थिंक महाराष्ट्र डॉट ऑर्ग

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पुस्तक परिचय लेबलसह पोस्ट दाखवत आहेसर्व दर्शवा
संघर्षवाटा - आंबेडकरी राजकारणाचे ताणेबाणे (Dalit politics analyzed in the book)
संजय जाधव - धडपड, सालदाराच्या पोराची (Dr Sanjay Jadhav and his painstaking efforts to get education as contract labour's child)
नदीष्ट - नदीकाठच्या निसर्गाची निरागसता (Nadishta - Marathi novel that depicts life along the river)
नूरजहान – महत्त्वाकांक्षी आणि लावण्यवती (Noorjahan - As Marathi writers saw her over hundred years)